
Books we love with ideas and insight that will inspire your thinking and actions

Dive in, immerse, reflect

Time to Think
Time to Think
By Nancy Kline

This is an all-time favourite and I love the premise. People and teams are paid for the quality of their thinking and subsequent action. What Nancy discovered is that the quality of the attention we give each other has a huge effect on the quality of thinking. If you listen well as a leader and give people your full undivided attention they will perform better!!

Fierce Conversations
Fierce Conversations
By Susan Scott

When you think of it most of organisational life and particularly leadership is about a series of conversations. We all know that conversations can either be great or ….. frankly awful. This book gives you the tools to transform those conversations central to your success and to fiercely, honestly, and carefully cut through the noise and clutter

The new Leaders – transforming the art of leadership into the science of results.
The new Leaders – transforming the art of leadership into the science of results.
By Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatsis and Annie McKee

In my view one of the best books on leadership. It helps leaders understand how their approach and style and emotional connection convert into tangible business results.

Immunity to Change
Immunity to Change
By Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey

For anybody wanting to know what stops organisations and individuals making the changes they want or need to this makes essential reading. As an Immunity to Change Coach, this book is central to the work I do with clients in this area.

Your first 100 days
Your first 100 days
By Niamh O’Keefe

There are heaps of books to help leaders shift into new roles quickly and for me, this is the best. Simple, succinct, and with practical steps it's guaranteed to support any leader wanting to hit the ground running.

Dare to lead
Dare to lead
By Brene brown

So so easy to read and completely engrossing. This brilliant book helps leaders understand that they don’t need to have all the answers to lead well but they do need the courage to lean into the associated vulnerability that comes with leadership and not knowing.

Why should anybody be led by you
Why should anybody be led by you
By Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones

In my view, all leaders should be able to answer this simple question and it's often how I start leadership development programmes. The central and simple theme is around being yourself with skill - to engage and inspire others

By Greg McKeown

This book really changed the way I thought about what is truly important. It challenges our thinking around how we spend our time and to what extent we genuinely focus on the things that are absolutely essential. It's full of great stories and a practical guide for become more intentional with how we spend our time.

Creativity Inc
Creativity Inc
By Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace

This fascinating stories of Pixar and Disney are brought to life and illustrate the essential role leaders play in creating cultures for innovation and creativity

The fearless organisation
The fearless organisation
By Amy Edmonson

This is an accumulation of Amy Edmondson’s work on psychological safety. It make the concept completely accessible, providing practical tools and guidance for leaders to build psychologically safe environments

Beyond Collaboration Overload: How to Work Smarter, Get Ahead, and Restore Your Well-Being
Beyond Collaboration Overload: How to Work Smarter, Get Ahead, and Restore Your Well-Being
By Rob Cross

ALL the people I coach are incredibly busy, struggling to prioritise what really matters and many are close to burnout. This new and exciting book gives hope and a claim to claw back a full day from your week; and then how to optimise this. Surely worth a read!!

Rebel ideas
Rebel ideas
By Matthew Syed

Following on from Black Box Thinking, this great book provides the strongest case yet for the need for diversity. As leaders, we can often spend our time looking for confirmation of our beliefs to have them amplified rather than seeking different opinions and perspectives.

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