asked questions

Can you tailor the programme to our organisation?
Yes. To ensure the programme content and delivery style feels congruent and relevant we spend a day getting to know your organisation, marketplace, specific language, and key messages and tailor the programme. We can also integrate your organisation’s leadership framework.
How many participants can attend at one time?
The programme can work for up to a maximum of 24 participants at one time, in a ratio of 1 coach to 6 participants.
How do participants receive information about the programme?
We manage all the participant communications. We can communicate directly with your participants via email, or we can provide you with the messages and content to send through your own digital platform. Participants access further resources and the Toolbox through this website.
Do you organise the venue for the Leadership Experience?
We can recommend venues in the south of England, north of England and in Scotland, that provide inspirational locations and ideal settings for leadership learning. Alternatively, we can work with you at a venue of your choice.
How do you schedule dates with the participants?
We will work with you to establish dates for coaching and the 3-day Leadership Experience. Once dates are established, we manage the scheduling of participant diaries.
What is the time commitment for a participant?
The overall programme runs for around 3 months. Over this period, participants commit 4 days in total to the programme. Participants will also be required to spend time implementing their change challenge; however, this will be part of their day to day role.
Can you help us track Return on Investment (ROI)?
Yes. We have a built in ROI Tracker that will collect evidence of development of leadership capabilities, positive impact on teams and bottom-line improvements.

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